Algorithm Writer Data Flows, Libraries, Ideas and Mind Reading with Algorithm Writer Bring back data flows as libraries. - E.g. the algorithm can use the back-translation data flow in the library in conjunction with other data flows Ideas (e.g. type of string or number, department and unit, such as musical interval in semitones - which may be simplified to singular by an algorithm) help the algorithm more efficiently choose a data flow, write predicate and variable names, comments and connections. Perhaps the algorithm input and output specification would not have variable names, but variable types (to use to change zzx form (generic predicate and variable names) in the reused code to specific variable names), however, provided names could override types as names. Also, the reused code would need data associated with it to classify the possible types of strings or numbers, departments and units of each variable given each use of the predicates. When mind reading or using the terminal, etc. to answer these questions when using algorithm writer, the context of each question should be stated or stated to be available on request.