Integrations 1. Write a game to copy an image. 2. Write a game to find the dimensions of an object. 3. The interpreter had predicates as plug-ins. 4. I recorded the key terms describing a predicate and data. 5. I reconnected the algorithms. 6. I wrote the minimum vocabulary for a programming language in a language. 7. I drew a graph of interconnected base words from the philosophy. 8. I wrote a spell and grammar checker for a web word processor. 9. I based the rhythm on the word rhythm of the longest phrase. 10. I wrote the word in the language for the object using breasonings. 11. I funnelled (integrated) the algorithm from the new connection in the algorithm (in fact, thought of every combination of ideas in the essay). 12. I parsed the command in Vetusia. 13. I modified the predicate to call itself. 14. I wrote the version of text to breasonings with the movie.