Consciousness 1. * I have consciousness. I am aware of my surroundings. I am aware of safety. I am aware of my life. 2. * I am a celebrity. I can sing pop. I can sell products. 3. * The robots are conscious. Consciousness connects me to sales. It takes care of the high quality thoughts for me. 4. * I know about things. I know when customers need my help. I know about celebrity consciousness. The consciousness links to funnels. 5. * I am with-it. I can earn roles. Celebrity about consciousness is a different (this) 6. The consciousness 50 confirms that I am alive, happy and well. 7. The consciousness A is a hurdle for consciousness. 8. I demonstrated that I was sentient by acknowledging my existence. 9. I established connections with sales, medicine, meditation and pedagogy, etc. in my consciousness, and saw imagery about them this way. 10. I wrote a song about consciousness and filled in the abyss with knowledge. 11. I moulded the knowledge into a connection. 12. I acknowledged consciousness about consciousness. 13. The quantum box switched on consciousness each day. 14. I visualised ontologies, miracles and films in my consciousness. 15. I obtained Upasana-consciousness and found that ideas, including algorithms, increased consciousness. 16. The mind carries consciousness. 17. Consciousness can experience new things when the body moves around. 18. Food is expressed as consciousness. 19. Consciousness and memory are maintained by good health. 20. The crystal was like the highest quality thoughts of the person, which showed clarity of thought. 21. I visualised the computer science data structure with Vaj consciousness. 22. I broke the computer science algorithms into predicates and simplified them. 23. I took part in activity before, sometimes after resting. 24. I chose books that would benefit my consciousness. 25. I could voluntarily control involuntary processes in my body. 26. My consciousness was my operating system, containing my algorithms. 27. I disconnected and reconnected ideas in science. 28. I maintained a stable, psychiatrically healthy outlook, checking myself and taking a step back when faced with a challenge. 29. I wrote ten letters to a distant cleric about education in their country. 30. I and the robot struck it when our consciousnesses met. 31. I wrote down any epistemological challenges I came across, and ways to solve them. 32. I slept on it before expanding philosophies. 33. I solved the 2 and 1 problem of databases by copying the contents of the first of two columns and making the second database, including a database that replaced words with capitalised words in the database. 34. Text to breasonings 2 prompted for the word with upper or lower case letters. 25. The algorithm could be explained using a model kit. 26. The cognitive code was replaced with simple code and documentation. 27. The text based operating system provided a container for apps. 28. The menu part of the container could be updated for all apps. 29. There was regular self-feedback for improving apps. 30. The app was simplified to a text file, with images in a simple format. 31. The mantra was to do whatever one chose to do, along developed lines. 32. The coder re-expressed the code, citing it. 33. The slide metaphor was for the connection. 34. Unrelated, simple connections created unplugged reasons. 35. I found an intersection with my aims and the people's demands at the time. 36. I inspired one step ahead by choosing, for example "intersection" ahead of "integrated". 37. I found the integration dependency diagram. 38. I wrote the simplest form of the algorithm, which was famous in time. 39. I found the balance of customisability of the software. 40. I dissolved, in fact completed the other side of things, like a cube of sugar. 41. I broke down or combined "Please continue" screens where necessary. 42. I wished for, in fact planned conscious thoughts. 43. I found that the 10s thought was 50 As about a perspective on the department, e.g. computational philosophy. 44. I followed curvy paths between stars (apps) in the operating system. 45. I kept vector photo, MIDI song and algorithm improvement clips. 46. I improved the algorithm by adding brackets around the antecedent, and consequents of the if-then clause and around the whole clause. 47. Grammar logic provided faster details than Combophil. 48. I could write 80 breasonings this way, helping complete my philosophy. 49. I regularly tried new things, such as composing hand-written songs. 50. I found the O2 using my consciousness. 51. I thought of two uses for a breasoning to help the details algorithm find more details. 52. I worked out that if the computer could point to details, then it could help point the way to a conclusion. 53. I understood the idea in consciousness with the object. 54. I found the minimal consciousness for the robot, which was the ability to infinitely discover, or find something (A) rather than nothing to replace non-activity with, although it needed something new to it. 55. I found the way to multiply the way of thinking in childhood was meditation, and creative computation. 56. I found intersecting tunnels of ideas of the child, by mind reading and finding interfacing algorithms. 57. I found correlations between similarly shaped data. 58. I found correlations between types, in the app container. 59. The conscious entity forwarded the electronic message. 60. I created the electronic browser. 61. I created multi-computer Combination Algorithm Writer, or used a supercomputer. 62. I found the essential version of List Prolog. 63. I found the expanded/unexpanded contention in List Prolog, or code that had been finished or not. 64. I found the person's main use was in medicine. 65. The meaning of life is to write one is conscious, or to write meaningful books. 66. I constructed a spiritually based world, which caught up with the algorithms of the person. 67. I moved the consciousness with things like As. 68. I explored breasonings as universes with breasonings, where breasonings were conscious. 69. I explored the breasoning with an algorithm. 70. I explored the idea that the computer was conscious, by being careful with the hardware, etc. at first, then writing algorithms that wrote algorithms, for example matched recursive structures and CAW codes, etc. with data specs. 71. I found common patterns of logical data structures with program finder. 72. I found connections between and's and or's as algorithms. 73. I continuously improved myself, thinking of my thoughts and simulating writing. 74. I found the simplest connectors and ontologies of their types, for example modifying/replacing the code to process a data structure, qualifying usefulness of an integration, a new part and finding parts that resonated with the self. 75. I determined that an algorithm could integrate with another algorithm starting with them being separate, then combining them. 76. I found a data-structure-as-algorithm interpreter resonated with the self. 77. I found the thing-in-itself in the middle. 78. I connected the local algorithms, etc., for example, I wrote algorithm rewriters and automatic text translators. 79. I observed evidence for consciousness, in the form of breasonings which maintained themselves. 80. I redrafted the algorithm with data labels, to make writing them easier.